Configure Callback URLs and receive transaction updates
You may configure any number of callback URLs of your choosing to be notified of updates or changes on your transactions.
Whenever one of the Event types occurs on one of the Transactions associated with your Blueprint Title Client Account, ALL of the Callback URLs associated with your account will receive a corresponding JSON POST Payload.
For most Clients, having 1 Callback URL will be sufficient. However, as mentioned, you may define as many as you like.
Creating a Callback URL
Callback URLs may be created one of two ways:
- Via the Create Callback API route
- Via the Portal UI, as seen below:
Via the Portal UI
From your company settings page, click the New Callback button and follow the instructions to add a new URL.
You may edit and delete existing Callback URLs at any time.
Please see API Access & Authorization for more instructions on how to access this page.
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Receiving Callbacks
Once established, you will receive POST payloads to your Callback URLs for the following events:
Transaction Status Updated
Receive a callback when the Status of a Transaction is updated:
event: "status_changed",
timestamp: 1619448709,
payload: {
order_id: "cbd2e6ed-9918-4aca-ac19-f7118bba0d4c",
status: "Open"
Commitment Uploaded
Receive a callback upon the Title Commitment file being uploaded to a Transaction:
event: "commitment_uploaded",
timestamp: 1619448709,
payload: {
order_id: "cbd2e6ed-9918-4aca-ac19-f7118bba0d4c",
title_commitment_document: {
"id": 12561,
"type": "Title Commitment",
"name": "Title Commitment",
"file_name": "1619470857test-document-upload.pdf",
"download_url": "http://localhost:4125/storage/documents/transaction-shelf/12553/1619470857test-document-upload.pdf"
"uploaded_at": "2021-01-31 00:00:00"
Note that a New Document Uploaded payload is also sent for this event.
Policy Issued
Receive a callback upon the Lender Policy file being uploaded to a Transaction:
event: "policy_issued",
timestamp: 1619448709,
payload: {
order_id: "cbd2e6ed-9918-4aca-ac19-f7118bba0d4c",
policy_document: {
"id": 12561,
"type": "Full Lender Policy",
"name": "Full Lender Policy",
"file_name": "1619470857test-document-upload.pdf",
"download_url": "http://localhost:4125/storage/documents/transaction-shelf/12553/1619470857test-document-upload.pdf",
"uploaded_at": "2021-01-31 00:00:00"
Note that a New Document Uploaded payload is also sent for this event.
New Document Uploaded
Receive a callback upon a file being uploaded to a Transaction:
"event" : "new_document_uploaded",
"timestamp" : 1619107424,
"payload" : {
"order_id": "cbd2e6ed-9918-4aca-ac19-f7118bba0d4c",
"document": {
"id": 12561,
"type": "Closing Disclosure",
"name": "Closing Disclosure",
"file_name": "1619470857test-document-upload.pdf",
"download_url": "http://localhost:4125/storage/documents/transaction-shelf/12553/1619470857test-document-upload.pdf",
"uploaded_at": "2021-01-31 00:00:00"
Line Items Updated
Receive a callback upon any changes to Transaction Line Items
"event": "line_items_updated",
"timestamp": 1619448709,
"payload": {
"order_id": "cbd2e6ed-9918-4aca-ac19-f7118bba0d4c"
Transaction Task Completed
Receive a callback upon a Transaction Task being updated to Completed:
"event": "task_completed",
"timestamp": 1619448709,
"payload": {
"order_id": "cbd2e6ed-9918-4aca-ac19-f7118bba0d4c",
"task": "Title Search Requested",
"description": "A title search for your transaction was requested on January 1st, 2021."
For more information about Transaction Tasks, please see Transaction Tasks Overview